Abi Grant Writer, Editor, Optimist


My own book, Words can Describe, a Sunday Times bestseller, was developed from an Observer article. It doesn’t include the post-trial and post publication aftershocks – his sentence being reduced on appeal, my finding out he was going to be released to live 10 minutes away from me by the police leaving a message on my answer machine, nor their response to my question: “Can I take out a restraining order?” “Yes, but only if you want him to know where you live”.

It was very well received, and I’m still contacted by women about it. (And the cover? That’s what you have to do to get your book into Tesco’s.)

"The book is an eloquent appeal, to men and women, to change their thinking about rape and sexual assault."

Alexandra Blair in The Times

"It brings to life something that many women fear: not just becoming the victim of a sex attack but the endless frustration of trying to ensure that the perpetrator is brought to justice…vivid, frank and courageous"

Joan Smith (author of ’Misogynies: Reflections on Myths and Malice’)

"It is unusual to be charmed and horrified by alternate sentences, but this is Abi Grants gift as a writer…I cried, I laughed and then I cheered."

Julian Clary

"What was surprising and a bit unexpected was the way in which things that are often demonised in the press were shown as fundamental to her recovery. Rarely have I come across a depiction of someone living in a one-bed council flat on incapacity benefit shown in such a positive, life-affirming light."

Andrea Butcher in the Socialist Review

"Grants voice is angry. She squashes myths. Compelling."

James Mitchell in Tonight Entertainment Guide, South Africa

"When something terrible happens, says Abi Grant, people say ‘Words cannot describe how I feel’. Well something terrible happened to Grant. A serial rapist broke into her flat and attacked her. Here, she describes, with admirable clarity, how it makes her feel."

William Leith in the London Evening Standard

"She tells us about the stages of suffering‚ the assault, the aftermath, the investigation, the telling of other people. She shows how one event casts a shadow over many years. She demonstrates the descriptive power of words"

William Leith in the London Evening Standard

"The author herself is resolutely anti-miserable, always cracking jokes. Her account of the attack is unblinking, matter of fact and occasionally sardonic. ’It was when he started strangling me that I realised it wasn't a social call‚’ she tells a police officer who interviews her afterwards."

William Leith in the London Evening Standard

"She has stern things to say about rape conviction rates, pathetically low in this country, and about police procedure and the judicial system. Describing her recovery, she manages to convey the loneliness of it without even so much as a hint of self-pity."

William Leith in the London Evening Standard


Ghosting is pure pleasure. I’ve written 12 books, and helped some extraordinary people tell their stories, getting to peep behind the curtains of government, intelligence and the military (and oh, the stories that weren’t allowed in).

I’m currently working on The Kama Sutra of Comedy, for release autumn 2025.


Agent: John Rogerson at Collective Agents

‘Have a question, comment or info requests? Feel free to contact my agent. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
